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R u really Obbessed?

Everyone loves Dream Street, I mean how can they not! They just happen to be the hottest group around. But are you in love with them so much that you are known obsessed DS fan? Take a look and find out! Get a piece of paper and # it 1-43 then read each # and write yes or no then read if u r obbessed!!!

Start NOW:

1) Whenever someone says Jesse, Matt, Chris, Greg or Frankie, you automatically assume they mean Dream Street.

2) You know all of the lyrics to their songs by heart.

3) You get up every Saturday to watch "Go For It" even though you think that show is boring, just to see Dream Street perform for the last 5 minutes of the show.

4) You listen to Dream Street's cd atleast 5 times or more a day.

5) You mark all the guy's birthdays on your calendar.

6) Every time you open your mouth, your friends know it's gonna be something about Dream Street.

7) You have constant dream's about your favorite Dream Street guy.

8) You turn the volume all the way up on your cd player when listening to Dream Street's cd even though your mom tells you that your gonna be deaf but you end up saying "Well if i'm gonna become deaf then what better way then listening to Dream Street."

9) You watch "All My Children" every day just because Jesse is in it.

10) You turn the hottest guy in school down for a date because "He's just not Jesse."

11) Your computer keeps crashing because you have too many Dream Street downloads on it (well, you can't help it, there's too many hott pix out there!)*

12) You end up falling asleep with your headphones on listening to Dream Street's cd (yes, it's possible, I always do!)

13) You buy a magazine even if you don't like it just because it has an article on Dream Street in it.

14) You beg your parents to move to NYC because they live there.

15) Before you go to bed each night, you pray that you'll get a chance to meet Dream Street.

16) You use their favorite words and phrases whenever possible.

17) You've memorized all their info (from birthdays to favorite candies).

18) You make your own Dream Street website

19) You have posters of them hanging up all around your room.

20) When riding in the car, whenever you pass a street you look to see if the name of that street is Dream Street.

21) You never get tired of saying your favorite Dream Street guy's name over and over again.

22) You have Dream Street's name scribbled all over your school binder.

23) You wave goodbye to every girl that's named Jennifer cause you know that Greg sings "Jennifer Goodbye."

24) You start a collection of sunglasses cause you know that Chris likes them.

25) You scream everytime someone mentions the words Dream Street.

26) You buy Dream Street Live and watch it everyday.

27) You sign your last name as one of the guys lasts name.

28) You talk to your Dream Street pictures.

29) You know all the dance moves for "It Happens Everytime"

30) Your printer is constantly out of ink because of all the DS pics you've printed out.

31) You have every commerical dealing with Dream Street on tape.

32) You have nothing but Dream Street sites listed under your favorites.

33) You wish upon a star everynight that you will get a chance to meet Dream Street.

34) Whenever you see a picture of Dream Street, you fall in love with them over and over again.

35) All the entries in your diary have nothing to do with your life, but are all about Dream Street.

36) Your pissed that in Webster's dictionary they don't have the word 'Dream Street' listed.

37) Whenever you see a frog, you catch it and kiss it (hoping that it will turn into one of the Dream Street guys.)

38) You request that when you die, you have the words "I Love Dream Street" written on your grave.

39) You pick flowers to do the "He loves me, he loves me not" thing untill you end up with "He loves me" so that you know Chris loves you.

40) You change your favorite candy to Reeses Peices cause you know that's Matt's favorite candy.

41) Whenever you see the green light on the traffic light, it reminds you of Frankie since his favorite color is green.

42) You name your new pet after one of the DS guys.

43) Your wondering right now what Dream Street is up to.

If you answered Yes to most of these questions, then you hold the title as being obsessed with Dream Street!

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