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Cd Information

(cd comes with a free poster, and if you insert the cd into your computer, you can even watch the video for "It Happens Everytime" right on your screen!)

Dream Street Songs:


1. Feel The Rain

(lead vocals by Greg & Chris)


2. They Don't Understand

(lead vocals by Chris, Frankie, Jesse, Matt & Greg)


3. It Happens Every Time

(lead vocals by Greg, Frankie & Jesse)


4. Gotta Get The Girl

(lead vocal by Jesse)


5. Sugar Rush

(lead vocals by Greg, Matt, Frankie, Chris & Jesse)


6. Jennifer Goodbye

(lead vocal by Greg)


7. I Say Yes

(lead vocals by Frankie, Chris, Matt, Jesse & Greg)


8. Matter Of Time

(lead vocals by Greg, Matt, Chris, Jesse & Greg)


9. Let's Ge Funky Tonight

(lead vocals by Jesse & Matt)


10. This Time

(lead vocals by Jesse, Matt & Frankie)


11. Hooked On You

(lead vocal by Matt)


12. Someone To Hold Me Tonight

(lead vocal by Chris)


13. Dream On

(lead vocal by Frankie)

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