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Do you and your ds guy Match?

Try this old school yard trick to see how your name matches up with your favorite Dream Street member. The decoder will tell you what the future could have in store for the two of
1. Write your first name across the top of a peice of paper.
2. Write your favorite Dream Street member's first name underneath your name.
3. Write A E I O U on the third line.
4. Write 1 2 3 4 5 on the forth line. Make sure the numbers line up directly under the
5. Add up the number of A's in both your names. Write that number under the first
column. Then do the same with the rest of the vowels in your name in each column.
6. Add up the numbers in the fourth and fifth lines.
7. Cross out any DOUBLE numbers. Then add the remaining numbers until you end up
witha single digit number. (If you end up with a double-digit number, add the two digits
to get a single number. For example, if you get 35, use 3 + 5 to come up with the single
digit number 8.)


1. They say this is the loneliest number. You are destined to worship your dream man
from afar.
2. You and your favorite singer could be a hot item for a short time.
3. He might smile at you across a crowded room.
4. You may marry a guy named Chris, Jesse, Matt, Greg, or Frankie --- but he won't
be from Dream Street!
5. You will get seasick surfing the Net looking for live chats with the one guy you truely
6. You might end up with one of the Dream Street babes --- but not this one!
7. You and your fave guy could become good friends.
8. You will get laryngitis from screaming out your favorite boy's name at Dream Street
9. You and your man could live happily ever after.

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