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Breathless Moments Chapter 5

Chapter 5

Love, Hate, and Trust "You're...what?" Jesse didn't even have an intercourse with her, how could she be...oh no, she didn't. "Pregnant. It's not yours. I know whose it is." Ashley had tears in her eyes, but she held them back. "Jesse, it's...it's..." Ashley broke down and started silently weeping. Her tears were washing her stressed face. "It's David's." David was the boy that gave Jesse a broken arm at a signing, because he kissed Ashley. David was her e-boyfriend. Or so he thought. "He never understood...we were over...now he got me pregnant...and he left. Just left. And I'm telling you this because it'll be easier to say I can't go out with you. I don't want you in the middle of this, and I don't want money. I'm leaving NYC. I'm going to Connecticut, see if there's anybody who will pity me. I know you will, but I don't want you to get in the middle of this. Goodbye Jesse." Jesse got up when she did. "Wait." He said. he took out all his spending cash. "There's about a hundred dollars in there. Use it." She gave him a sweet kiss on the lips, and she left. "Guess where Ashley is." Frankie said, finishing his smoothie. " I'll have a smoothie please." Jesse called to the waiter. Frankie answered for him. "She's in Hawaii with her husband. Seems in Hawaii, the age to marry is 16, and see just turned 16, an she moved to Hawaii with her 20 year-old husband to be. Great day, huh. Well, at least I have Emily. And you have Holly." Frankie said. Jesse started slurping his smoothie. Frankie and Jesse came back to the hotel to find Emily, Holly, Adrienne, and Jennifer sleeping, on the roll-out bed in the living room. They were all puffy-eyed. Chris was in his room, watching TV. "Hey dude,' Jesse whispered to Chris. "Where's Greg and Nicole?" Chris simply answered, "Pool." He didn't even look at Jesse. "Uh, why are the girls sleeping?" Frankie asked. "They got tired from crying." "Maybe we should wake them up and see what they were crying about." jesse suggested. "Oh. I wouldn't do that if I were you. Frankie can. Jesse, you might wanna stay clear of Holly for a while." "Why?" Jesse asked. "Don't play the dummy, you cheated on her. Frankie was going to break up with hs girlfriend for Emily. Frankie has a reason to go and comfort Emily. You, they got throught talking about you. Of course, the girls think that Frankie cheated on Emily, but I'll back you up on when you say the big thing. " Frankie said, as he took her hand. "Don't touch me." Emily took away her hand. "I should have told you earlier. I'm sorry." Silent tears rapidly fell from his red eyes. Emily felt so bad for him, his girlfriend had just broken up with him, and she was going to torment him even more. And she had made him cry. She knew she loved him, but it did't feel right. Not until now. Emily eyes filled with tears, as she hugged Frankie. Frankie's tears didn't stop. They kept coming, and they made Frankie speechless. Emily started crying, and she hugged Frankei even longer. They were in the comfort of each other's arms. "I'm sorry Emily. I'm so sorry. I didn't even cheat on you and I feel like I did something terrible." Frankie's tears fell even faster, and got bigger. "I love you Emily." "Oh Frankie. I love you too." Frankie pulled away from her, and kissed her. They shared a very passionate kiss. I don't know why it's screwed, but I'll fix it soon.

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