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Do You and your Ds guy Belong together??

Take this quiz to see if u and your dream guy really belong together!

Step 1:

Write your name under either Jesse's, Frankie's, Matt's, Chris's or Greg's name.

For Example: Jesse McCartney

Your Name

Step 2:

Now cross off "every" letter that is repeated.

For Example: (Cross off every letter that you and Jesse have the same)

Jesse McCartney

Your Name

(If your name was "Your Name" then you would cross off the Y, R, N, A, & E.)

Step 3:

Now, count the number of letters remaining (the ones that aren't crossed off).

For Example: Since your name was "Your Name" there would be 12 letters remaining out of yours and Jesse's name. The letters J, S, S, M, C, C, T, N, O, U, N and M would be remaining.

Step 4:

The next step is to write out the word: FLAMES. Using the total number of letters left from step 3, count over the word FLAMES, letter-by-letter. When you get to your number, cross of that letter. Then keep counting, skipping the empty space where you just crossed one off, crossing off another letter once you land on it. In our example, you would count 12 twelve over from F to S, crossing off S, then count over twelve more letters to L, crossing off L. Keep going until you have one letter left.

Step 5: The Key

Depending on which letter you end up with, this is supposed to reveal the nature of what your relationship with either Jesse, Frankie, Matt, Chris or Greg would be like if you met!

F = Friends Forever!

L = Longtime Datemates!

A = A really cool, two way crush!

M = Marriage- here comes the bride!

E = Engaged- but only for a while!

S = Sweethearts - you'd flirt a bit then move on!

Hope you got the result you desired. If not, don't freak out...it's just a game! lolz!

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